Nursery Policies
All parents receive copy of all our EYFS policies via email
Admission policy
A waiting list will be formed on the basis of first come first served. The child’s birth date will also be taken into account.
Children are able to join our Nursery at aged 2 years and 6 months if there is no funding entitlement, parents will need to pay until the term after their 3rd birthday when funding entitlement commences.
4 weeks’ notice is required when terminating your child’s place.
Parents/Carers must complete an admissions form including medical information.
Parents must read and abide by the Nursery policies and sign the parent agreement that state that they have done so.
We will ensure that information about our setting is accessible, in written and spoken form where appropriate, in more than one language.
Staff will abide by the Confidentiality Policy.
We do not discriminate against any child.
We make our Equal Opportunities policy widely known.
We encourage parents/carers to visit the Nursery and set aside a settling-in period before they begin full or part-time sessions.
Each child/parent will be assigned with a Key person. This member of staff will help the child become familiar with the setting and feel confident and safe. The Key Person’s role is to meet the needs of the child in their care, responding sensitively to their feelings, needs and behaviour. They will build relationships with parents/carers to ensure that they are aware that their child’s needs are being met. We welcome both mothers and fathers, other relations and carers, including childminders, and people from all cultural, ethnic, religious, and social groups, with and without disabilities.
Appropriate footwear and clothing policy
Each child is provided with a free uniform of a polo shirt and sweatshirt, which your child must wear every day.
To ensure the children’s safety when exploring our setting, we insist on each child having appropriate foot wear at all times.
This consists of socks, flat shoes and shoes that cover the toe area, no open toe sandals.
Foot wear with a large heel or open toe sandals will not be permitted.
We provide indoor/outdoor curriculum all year round therefore parents must ensure children are suitably dressed during all seasons.
We ask parents/carers to ensure that children have: a coat, gloves and hat for cold weather.
A waterproof coat and Wellington boots for wet weather.
Light clothing to cover arms and legs and sun hat for protection in the warm weather.
Please ensure that your protect your child from the sun by applying sun cream before the start of session and if your child is at Nursery all day please use the one a day sun cream.
All items must be labelled with the child’s name and kept in a back pack on the child’s peg.
Arrivals and departures
Welcome all children and parents/carers/carers on arrival
All children will use the self registration system (children place their name card onto the board).
A senior staff member will complete a register at the beginning and end of every session (morning and afternoon) and record time of arrival and departure of each child.
Messages from parents/carers are passed directly to the Nursery Manager and to the rest of the staff as necessary and written in the diary.
If the parent/carer requests the child to be given medication follow the correct procedures outlined in the Administering medicines policy.
Parents/carers must complete the Admission Form before their child attends the Nursery and state who will be collecting the child from Nursery at the end of the session. Parents/carers can use a password for a nominated person.
If the parent is not collecting the child at the end of the session, they must nominate another person by contacting the Nursery and using a password to give permission for the Nursery to allow the child to leave with the selected person. The Nursery must be contacted even if the person is on the child’s Collection Form. Nursery staff must know the person’s name and if possible meet the person beforehand and or see a photo, password, or be given a description.
No child will be handed to anyone other than the agreed parent/carer. If the Nursery has not been notified of any changes and an undisclosed person arrives at the Nursery a telephone call will be made to the child’s parents/carers. If Staff are unable to make contact with the respective parent/carer the child will remain in the Nursery with members of staff until contact is made.
If a child is collected at an unusual time (e.g. before the end of the child’s session) the out box on the register must be ticked and the time recorded.
Parents/carers must collect their child promptly at the end of the session which is 11.30am and 3.00pm. A late fee is in place for those who fail to do so. An immediate payment of £10.00 is required which will lead to a further payment of £10.00 for every 15 minutes the parents/carers fail to appear.
If a child is not collected
Two members of staff must remain on the premises.
One member of staff should attempt to locate the parent/carer.
If the parent/carer is not available, the emergency contact numbers should be telephoned.
If all attempts to locate the parent/carer fail, then the procedure should be repeated every ten minutes.
If the Nursery Manager is absent from the Nursery they must be alerted immediately.
During this time the staff must not cause undue distress to the child. When the parent/carer arrives staff will expect an explanation however, this should be dealt with in a courteous manner.
If all reasonable attempts have been made to contact the parent/carer, the Nursery Manager should then contact the Children’s emergency line for Social Services on 01733 864170/864180.
Under no circumstances will a child be allowed to depart from the Nursery unless it is with a previously authorised person. A member of staff must always acknowledge departure of a child.
Contact details in the event a child is not collected from the setting and a parent/carer cannot be located the following numbers must be used.
Peterborough Referral and Assessment Team: (Children) Children Services
Children’s Services
Ground Floor, Sand Martin House
Bittern Way, Fletton Quays
Tel: 01733 864170 /864180
Out of Hours Emergency Duty Team: Tel: 01733 234724
Police: Tel: 01733 563232
Behaviour management
Children need to learn to consider the views and feelings, needs and rights, of others and the impact that their behaviour has on people, places and objects. This is a developmental task that requires support, encouragement, teaching and setting the correct example. The principles that underpin how we achieve positive and considerate behaviour exist within the programme for promoting personal, social and emotional development. By positively promoting good behaviour, valuing co-operation and a caring attitude, we hope to ensure that children will develop as responsible members of society.
The Nursery believes in promoting positive behaviour. All Staff provide positive role models for the children with regard to friendliness, care and courtesy.
We encourage self-discipline and consideration for each other, our surroundings and property.
By praising children and acknowledging their positive actions and attitudes we ensure that children see that we value and respect them.
Young children often engage in play that has aggressive themes – such as superhero and weapon play; some children appear pre-occupied with these themes, but their behaviour is not necessarily a precursor to hurtful behaviour or bullying, although it may be inconsiderate at times and may need addressing using strategies suggested above.
We recognise that teasing and rough and tumble play are normal for young children and acceptable within limits. We regard these kinds of play as pro-social and not as problematic or aggressive.
We will develop strategies to contain play that are agreed with the children, and understood by them, with acceptable behavioural boundaries to ensure children are not hurt.
We recognise that fantasy play also contains many violent dramatic strategies, blowing up, shooting etc., and that themes often refer to ‘goodies and baddies’ and as such offer opportunities for us to explore concepts of right and wrong.
We are able to tune in to the content of the play, perhaps to suggest alternative strategies for heroes and heroines, making the most of teachable moments to encourage empathy and lateral thinking to explore alternative scenarios and strategies for conflict resolution.
Nursery rules are concerned with safety and care and respect for each other. Children, who behave inappropriately, may be removed from the group.
The child who has been upset will be comforted and the adult will confirm that the other child’s behaviour is not acceptable. It is important to acknowledge that it is the child’s wrong behaviour we are rejecting not the child. Parents will be informed when they come to collect their child.
All adults ensure that the rules are applied consistently; therefore the children know what to expect and build useful habits.
All incidents will be recorded in the Nursery incident book.
How a particular type of behaviour is handled will depend on an individual child, his/her stage of development and the circumstances. It may involve the child being asked to talk and think about what s/he has done. Acknowledgement of feelings explaining as to what was not acceptable, and how they can learn a more acceptable way of behaving.
The child will be asked what has happened, make sure that the other child is not upset, that they are okay. They will be encouraged to make friends.
Wherever possible the children will be encouraged to solve their own disagreements, with adult supervision.
In some cases the child will be removed from a particular area until s/he has calmed down and has had time to reflect on his/her actions/ or if this is a risk to others.
Adults in the Nursery will help the children to challenge bullying behaviour appropriately.
Children need to recognise that bullying, fighting, hurting, and discriminatory comments are not acceptable and are unkind and hurtful.
We take positive steps to avoid a situation in which children receive adult attention only in return for undesirable behaviour.
Physical punishment such as smacking or shaking will never be used or threatened.
Techniques intended to single out children such as the naughty chair will not be used.
Physical intervention, such as holding, will only be used to prevent physical injury to the child, other children, an adult, serious damage to property or in what would be reasonably be regarded as exceptional circumstances. Any event of this sort will be recorded and the parent informed the same day.
In cases of serious misbehaviour, such as racial or other abuse and bullying, the unacceptability of the behaviour and attitudes will be made clear immediately, but by means of explanation rather than personal blame. Parents/carers will be informed when they collect their child.
In any case of misbehaviour, it will always be made clear to the child or children in question that it is the behaviour and not the child that is not welcome.
Adults will not shout or raise their voices in a threatening way.
Adults in the Nursery will make themselves aware of, and respect a range of cultural expectations regarding interactions between people.
The Nursery Staff, using objective observation methods to establish an understanding of the cause, will tackle recurring problems.
Any behaviour problems will be handled in a developmentally appropriate fashion, respecting the child’s understanding and maturity.
Adults will be aware that some kinds of behaviour may arise from a child’s special needs.
Parents/carers will be informed if their child is persistently unkind to others.
Parents/carers will be informed if their child has been upset and the reason why. Confidentially should always be adhered to and other children’s names not mentioned.
Parents may be asked to meet with staff to discuss their child’s behaviour to ensure consistency between home and Nursery.
The Nursery Rules and Expectations
To guide the children we have a very simple set of rules.
1. Try to do what you are asked.
2. Care for everyone and everything.
3. Listens to others.
To help children understand the behaviour expectations of our Nursery, Staff Members are expected to lead by example. The primary aim of the Behaviour Policy is not to enforce rules, but is a means of promoting good relationships.
A member of staff is named the Behaviour Representative and must attend training requiring the skills to provide guidance to other staff. S/he will access expert advice if ordinary methods are not effective with a particular child. This will only occur if strategies discussed by all staff have been put into practise and not been successful.
If the Nursery Manager is not the named Representative s/he must over see and discuss all behavioural issues with the named representative.
Mrs Christine Kurys is the Behaviour Representative in the Nursery and in her absent Kerry Cole and Hannah Harley.
Food and drink policy
This setting regards snack and meal times as an important part of the setting's day. Eating represents a social time for children and adults and helps children to learn about healthy eating. At snack and meal times, we aim to provide nutritious food, which meets the children's individual dietary needs.
We follow these procedures to promote healthy eating in our setting.
Before a child starts to attend the setting, we find out from parents their children's dietary needs and preferences, including any allergies.
We record information about each child's dietary needs in her/his registration record and parents sign the record to signify that it is correct.
We regularly consult with parents to ensure that our records of their children's dietary needs - including any allergies - are up-to-date. Parents sign the up-dated record to signify that it is correct. We display current information about individual children's dietary needs so that all staff and volunteers are fully informed about them.
We implement systems to ensure that children receive only food and drink that is consistent with their dietary needs and preferences as well as their parents' wishes.
We display the menus of snacks for the information of parents.
We include foods from the diet of each of the children's cultural backgrounds, providing children with familiar foods and introducing them to new ones.
We take care not to provide food containing Nuts or Nut products and are especially vigilant where we have a child who has a known allergy to Nuts. We ask that parents/carers do not provide their child with any food containing Nuts.
Through discussion with parents and research reading by staff, we obtain information about the dietary rules of the religious groups, to which children and their parents belong, and of vegetarians and vegans, and about food allergies. We take account of this information in the provision of food and drinks.
We require staff to show sensitivity in providing for children's diets and allergies. Staff do not use a child's diet or allergy as a label for the child or make a child feel singled out because of her/his diet or allergy.
We organise meal and snack times so that they are social occasions in which children and staff participate.
We use meal and snack times to help children to develop independence through making choices, serving food and drink and feeding themselves.
We provide children with utensils that are appropriate for their ages and stages of development and that take account of the eating practices in their cultures.
We have fresh drinking water constantly available for the children.
We inform the children about how to obtain the water and that they can ask for water at any time during the day.
We inform parents who provide food for their children about the storage facilities available in the setting.
We give parents who provide food for their children information about suitable containers for food.
In order to protect children with food allergies, we discourage children from sharing and swapping their food with one another.
For children who drink milk, we provide whole pasteurised milk.
Ensure perishable contents of packed lunches contain an ice pack to keep food cool; all parents/carers will be informed of this when their child starts at the setting.
Inform parents of our policy on healthy eating;
Encourage parents to provide sandwiches with a healthy filling, fruit, and milk based deserts such as yoghurt. We discourage sweet drinks and can provide children with water or diluted fresh fruit juice;
Discourage packed lunch contents that consist largely of crisps, processed foods, sweet drinks and sweet products such as cakes or biscuits. We reserve the right to return this food to the parent as a last resort;
Provide children, bringing packed lunches, with plates, cups and cutlery.
Children to eat their lunch together so that the mealtime is a social occasion and are supported by a member of staff.
Sessions and payment policy
Park Lane Nursery is a cashless nursery and all Fees will be charged on a monthly basis and you will receive a bill at the end of the month for payment.
Any parent or carer who fails to pay and goes into two weeks’ arrears will be notified by letter in the middle of the second week. If the arrears are not paid by the end of the week the place will be terminated until the arrears are paid.
We accept Direct Debit payments into our bank account, Direct Debit childcare voucher payment, if you wish to pay by Direct Debit Childcare voucher please see the Manager or Deputy Manager for our bank details.
We do not accept daily payments.
Parents/carers who pay for the nursery spaces are still required to pay if their child is absent for any length of time.
At the nursery’s discretion payment will still be required, if the nursery has to close due to adverse weather conditions, such as snow days/bank holidays or unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the nursery.
If extra sessions are required, please see the Manager or Deputy Manager.
Any parent who is late collecting their child from morning session 11.30am, afternoon session 3pm and all day session funded session 3pm, will be immediately charged £10.00 and then an additional £10.00 for every 15 minutes they are late.
Any parent who is later than 1 hour will be charged £15.00 every 15 minutes thereafter.
Sickness policy
Policy statement
We provide care for healthy children and promote health through preventing cross infection of viruses and bacterial infections.
If a child begins displaying a continuous cough or a high temperature, they should be sent home to isolate per the guidelines.
A child awaiting collection should be moved, if possible and appropriate, to a room where they can be isolated behind a closed door. If it is not possible to isolate them move them to an area which is at least 2 metres away from other people. A window should be opened for ventilation.
If they need to go to the bathroom while waiting to be collected, the bathroom should be cleaned and disinfected using standard cleaning products before being used by anyone else.
Track and Trace – Parents to book a test online or by dialling 119.
Nursery setting will help PHE identify contact of confirmed cases in the setting environment following national protocols.
When an outbreak or confirmed case occurs nursery setting will be responsible for communication with parents, children and staff and use template letters.
If a member of staff has helped someone who displayed symptoms they do not need to go home unless they develop symptoms themselves. They should wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds after any contact with someone who is unwell.
The area should be thoroughly cleaned immediately if the area cannot be left unvisited, and if the area can be left unvisited then cleaned after 72 hours
The person responsible for cleaning the area should wear appropriate PPE
In the event of a staff member developing suspected coronavirus symptoms whilst working at the nursery, they should guidance
If a child or member of staff becomes ill then they must be tested. They will only be allowed back to nursery after a negative test result or appropriate isolation has finished.
It is suggested that all other staff and children that have been in contact with them also get tested.
If there is a positive test result, all other children and adults in that bubble must get tested and can only return after a negative result. There is no need to test members of their household unless they have a positive result.
If clinical advice is needed, the setting staff, parent or guardian should go online to NHS 111 (or call 111 if they don’t have internet access)
Details of (“bubble” key groups) are kept up to date and stored centrally for access (names/d.o.b/addresses)
Ensure as much information as possible is gathered regarding each child’s circumstances (living arrangements/does child have contact with both parents if separated).
Personalise the letter template to send to parents where there is a possible case and save it on the system. All other letters will be provided by the HPT at the time they are required.
Definitions HPT: Health Protection Team PHE: Public Health England
Possible or suspected case: staff member or child with a new continuous cough and/or high temperature and/or a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia).
Confirmed case: staff member or child with a laboratory test positive for COVID-19/SARS- CoV-2 with or without symptoms.
Outbreak: Two or more confirmed cases of COVID-19 among children or staff who are direct close contacts, proximity contacts or in the same cohort or ‘bubble’* in the early years or childcare setting within 14 days. * a cohort or ‘bubble’ might be a year group or other defined group within the early years or childcare setting. This definition aims to distinguish between transmission occurring in the community versus transmission occurring within the early years setting.
See Test and Trace Early Years and Childcare for more information.
Other Illness
Any child suffering from a rash, sore throat, discharge, from eyes, ears or diarrhoea or sickness should be kept at home until a doctor has certified that the symptoms have disappeared and/or not contagious.
Should a child become sick at Nursery every effort will be made to contact a parent/carer.
When a parent is contacted regarding a sick child who is considered contagious or needing 1:1 attention the parent will be expected to collect the child immediately.
We will use plasters if permission is given on the child’s registration sheet.
When ever first aid is administered to a child it will be by a First Aid trained member of Staff, recorded in the accident book and signed by the parent.
A child with chickenpox should be kept at home until the spots have formed scabs.
If a child as an infection and requires antibiotics, the child must stay at home for 48 hours from the first administered antibiotic.
A child will only be administered medication if a parent/carer has completed and signed a “Consent from parent/carer to Administer Medication” form so staff have written permission. For more details please refer to the settings Health and Safety Policy.
Prescribed medication will only be given to a child if their name is on the bottle, and the medication is within the use by date. We will then only administer the prescribed amount. Where possible medicine should be taken at home before, after Nursery, and at bedtime, unless prescribed 4x a day.
If a child has long-term medication such as Piriton for allergic reactions, permission form will need be completed each day. This will be the “Consent from parent/carer to Administer Medication” form mentioned previously.
Medicine will be kept in a locked cupboard or in the fridge (with a fridge lock) depending on the storage requirements.
Staff reserve the right to remove a child to hospital in the event of an emergency and every effort will be made to contact the parent/carer.
Tissues should be used for blowing noses, hands must be washed afterwards.
If a child is sent home with an illness, or has sickness or diarrhoea there must be a 48-hour recovery period from the last bout of either sickness/ diarrhoea, before the child returns to Nursery. The child must be able to eat and drink.
If a child is ill during a Nursery session the incident must be recorded in the Nursery Sickness Book.
In the event of any serious illness of a child, the setting must notify Ofsted and local child protection agencies.
Contact Numbers - Ofsted: Tel: - 03001 231231 (Helpline)
National Business Unit
Piccadilly Gate
Store St
St Ann’s Square
Manchester M2 7LA
Peterborough Intake and Assessment Team: 01733 864180
If Staff members have reason to believe that any child is suffering from a notifiable disease identified as such in the Public Health (Infection Diseases) Regulations 1988, they must inform Ofsted of any action taken. Staff must follow any advice given by the Health Protection Agency.
Contact Number
Ofsted: Tel: - 0300 123 1231 (Helpline)
Information of Infectious Diseases is displayed in the first aid cupboard and can be found on the EYFS CD-ROM.
Uncollected child
Policy statement
In the event that a child is not collected by an authorised adult at the end of a session/day, the setting puts into practice agreed procedures. These ensure the child is cared for safely by an experienced and qualified practitioner who is known to the child. We will ensure that the child receives a high standard of care in order to cause as little distress as possible.
We inform parents/carers of our procedures so that, if they are unavoidably delayed, they will be reassured that their children will be properly cared for.
Parents of children starting at the setting are asked to provide the following specific information which is recorded on our Admission Form.
Home address and telephone number - if the parents do not have a telephone, an alternative number must be given, perhaps a neighbour or close relative.
Place of work, address and telephone number (if applicable).
Mobile telephone number (if applicable).
Names, addresses, telephone numbers of adults who are authorised by the parents to collect their child from the setting, for example a childminder or grandparent with a password.
Who has parental responsibility for the child.
Information about any person who does not have legal access to the child.
On occasions when parents are aware that they will not be at home or in their usual place of work, they inform us in writing of how they can be contacted.
On occasions when parents or the persons normally authorised to collect the child are not able to collect the child, they provide us with written details of the name, address and telephone number of the person who will be collecting their child. We agree with parents how to verify the identity of the person who is to collect their child.
Parents are informed that if they are not able to collect the child as planned, they must inform us so that we can begin to take back-up measures. We provide parents with our contact telephone number.
We inform parents that we apply our child protection procedures as set out in our child protection policy in the event that their children are not collected from setting by an authorised adult within one hour after the setting has closed and the staff can no longer supervise the child on our premises.
If a child is not collected at the end of the session/day, we follow the following procedures:
The child’s file is checked for any information about changes to the normal collection routines.
If no information is available, parents/carers are contacted at home or at work.
If this is unsuccessful, the adults who are authorised by the parents to collect their child from the setting - and whose telephone numbers are recorded on the Registration Form - are contacted.
All reasonable attempts are made to contact the parents or nominated carers.
The child does not leave the premises with anyone other than those named on the Registration Form or in their file.
If no-one collects the child after one hour and there is no-one who can be contacted to collect the child, we apply the procedures for uncollected children.
We contact our local authority children’s social services care team: 01733 864170/864180 (telephone number)
The child stays at setting in the care of two fully-vetted workers until the child is safely collected either by the parents or by a social care worker.
Social Care will aim to find the parent or relative if they are unable to do so, the child will become looked after by the local authority.
Under no circumstances do staff to go to look for the parent, nor do they take the child home with them.
A full written report of the incident is recorded in the child’s file.
Depending on circumstances, we reserve the right to charge parents for the additional hours worked by our staff.
Ofsted may be informed: 03001 231231 (telephone number)
Your child's key person
A designated member of the team is given the role as Key Person. This role enables a close relationship to be built with you, the parents/carers and your child. They will work closely to develop a relationship with you all. They help to build confidence, security and trust in unfamiliar surroundings. By working closely with you and sharing information, staff are able to get a better understanding of your child’s needs.
Your child’s key person will comfort, support and guide your child through their new experiences of nursery, always showing a sensitive approach and understanding manner.
This role will be implemented the moment you and your child start the nursery. The Key person will liaise with you on a frequent basis and will always be available if any concerns arise.
If your children are happy and feel secure, what they have learned and experienced in nursery will create strong and lasting foundations on which to build in later life.
Health and safety policy
Policy statement
This setting believes that the health and safety of children is of paramount importance. We make our setting a safe and healthy place for children, parents, staff and volunteers.
We aim to make children, parents and staff aware of health and safety issues and to minimise risks and hazards to enable the children to thrive in a healthy and safe environment.
Our member of staff responsible for health and safety is: Christine Kurys
S/he is competent to carry out these responsibilities. S/he has undertaken health and safety training and regularly updates his/her knowledge and understanding.
We display the necessary health and safety poster in the Kitchen area of the Nursery
We will ensure that all practical steps are taken to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all persons using the premises.
We will establish and maintain safe working procedures amongst staff and children.
We will provide sufficient information, instruction and supervision to enable all people working in or using the Nursery to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own safety and health at work.
The Nursery Manager will ensure that all staff members regularly update qualifications and training.
Ofsted must be notified immediately of any significant changes in the facilities and premises that may affect the space and level of care available to the children. This will include structural alterations or an extension, something which affects the smooth running of the setting over a "period" of time or changes to the outside area of the premises, for example adding a pond or taking down a fence. This must be done verbally, followed by written notification.
The setting must carry and display public liability insurance for the provision. ( Displayed in the entrance at the front of the Nursery)
When recruiting staff members, the Nursery Committee must make their decisions to whether a person is suitable to care for children by using evidence from references, full employment history, qualifications, interviews, identity checks and any other checks undertaken, for example medical suitability.
Candidates must declare to the Nursery Committee of any convictions and/or cautions they may have which would affect their suitability to work with children.
All members of staff must have an enhanced Criminal Records Bureau (DBS) Disclosure, which includes a Protection of Children Act List/List 99 Check.
The Nursery Manager & Deputy Manager must hold a full and relevant Level 3 (as defined by the Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC)) and half of all other staff must hold a full and relevant Level 2 (as defined by CWDC).
The Nursery Manager must have at least two years experience of working in an early years setting, or have at least two years’ other suitable experience.
When the Nursery Manager is absent from the setting the Deputy Manager takes charge during this time.
As our setting is an open plan room, no member of staff will be left alone with any child.
Staff who are not police checked will not be permitted to enter the toilet area of the nursery.
The code for the Nursery main entrance door will be changed when staff leave our employment.
The code for the door must not be given out to anyone apart from Nursery staff.
Staff will not allow children to go home with an adult unknown to the staff. Parents must inform the Nursery staff who will be collecting their child if routines have to be changed.
Staff and Visitors must wear identification badges at all times whilst on the premises.
No staff member should be under the influence of alcohol or any other substance when entering the nursery. If a member of staff is taking medication which they believe may affect their ability when working directly alongside children should seek medical advice immediately. They can only work directly with children if the medical advice given is that the medication is unlikely to impair their ability to look after children.
All visitors must produce identification before entering the setting.
Staff and Visitors must use the “sign in” book providing the date, time of arrival/departure and reason for visit.
Staff must complete a register of children’s names at the beginning of every session. This will be altered every occasion a child arrives or leaves the setting. The total number of children present will be displayed for staff and regular checks must be made throughout the sessions.
Staff must be aware of the whereabouts of other people in the building and ensure they are in supervised capacity at all times.
Inside the Nursery
There must be a ratio one adult to every four children aged 2 and over, one adult to every eight for children age 3 and over in the setting at all times.
Children will be supervised at all times. Staff will be arranged to meet the individual needs of all children in our care.
The setting will be maintained at a temperature which ensures the comfort of the children, especially non-mobile children and staff.
In the event of staff absences the Nursery Manager will arrange for a relief member of bank staff to ensure the adult to child ratio is up held. All relief members of staff must hold a DBS check/list 99 check.
Whenever there are less than eight children in the Nursery, for example at the end of a session. There must be at least two members of staff present at all times.
There will always be at least one member of staff present in the Nursery to administer first aid.
Only qualified ‘First Aiders’ will care for children during first aid incidents and they must comply with the training they were given.
Any child suffering from a doubtful rash, sore throat, discharge from eyes /ears or diarrhoea or sickness should be kept at home until a doctor has certified that the symptoms have disappeared.
Staff reserves the right to remove a child to hospital in the event of an emergency and every effort will be made to contact the parent/carer. A section on our Nursery Application Form is designated for Parents to give their consent for the removal to hospital and for their child to receive medical treatment if required. Reasons must be recorded on the child’s Admission form if consent has not been given by a parent/carer.
All Accidents, Incidents and Medical occurrences must be recorded in the appropriate books.
Staff will carry out a risk assessment each day and must constantly reappraise the environment and the activities provided throughout the sessions to ensure every individual child’s safety.
All staff must take reasonable steps to ensure that hazards to children are kept to a minimum. (Both indoors and outdoors)
Damaged toys will be thrown away where repairs are not possible.
Toys will be washed regularly.
Only the highest windows will be open for adequate ventilation when necessary. Staff should check these are closed at the end of the day.
We take precautions to prevent children's fingers from being trapped in doors.
Hands will be washed using soap and dried after visiting the toilet and before handling edible items.
Adult’s and Children’s hands must be washed after blowing noses. If the tissue comes in contact with surface areas anti-bacterial spray must be used to restrict cross contamination of germs. Tissues must be disposed of appropriately.
Hand dryers are used for drying children’s hands. Staff will encourage children to dry hands completely. Paper towels are also available. All resources and materials from which children select are stored safely.
All equipment and resources are stored or stacked safely to prevent them accidentally falling or collapsing.
All resources and materials from which children select are stored safely.
Anti bacterial spray will be used for wiping tables before and after snack time or before a cooking activity.
Disposable gloves will be worn when a child has had an accident. (vomit).
Vomit must be cleared straight away, and the children removed to another area. This will be done using gloves, pouring a small amount of sand onto it and mopping it up with paper towels. Disinfectant must be used and the area cleaned and left to dry.
Hands must be washed after messy play.
When changing a child: ( After a toileting accident)
Only policed checked members of staff will assist the children.
Before entering the toilet area staff must notify others.
Sensitivity and reassurance must be used at all times to ensure the child is at ease.
Dirty clothes must be place in a plastic bag to be taken home.
The child will then be cleaned and dressed in new clothes.
Furniture/floor area must be disinfected.
Toilets are checked on a regular basis, and cleaned if necessary.
Children, who wish to relax, play quietly or sleep can do so in the quiet area. Equipment such as blankets/bedding are provided for their comfort and must be washed after every individual use.
Sleeping children must be checked regularly.
Water play must be observed by an adult, and children’s feet must be kept on the floor. Staff must ensure floor is kept free from water by using the designated mop. If floor becomes wet a warning sign must be displayed to ensure the safety of staff, children and visitors.
Socket covers must be used when socket not in use.
Electrical equipment used must be supervised by an adult.
Care will be taken when opening and closing doors, to avoid trapped fingers. Door guards are in place.
Smoking is not allowed on the Nursery premises. Please see Smoking Policy.
If there are animals on any occasion in the setting staff members will ensure that they are safe to be in the proximity of the children and do not pose a health or safety risk.
Electrical/gas equipment
All electrical/gas equipment conforms to safety requirements and is checked regularly.
Our boiler/electrical switch meter cupboard is not accessible to the children.
Fires, heaters, electric sockets, wires and leads are properly guarded and the children are taught not to touch them.
Storage heaters are checked daily to make sure they are not covered.
There are sufficient sockets to prevent overloading.
The temperature of hot water is controlled to prevent scalds.
Lighting and ventilation is adequate in all areas including storage areas.
Activities and resources
Before purchase or loan, equipment and resources are checked to ensure that they are safe for the ages and stages of the children currently attending the setting.
The layout of play equipment allows adults and children to move safely and freely between activities.
All equipment is regularly checked for cleanliness and safety and any dangerous items are repaired or discarded.
All materials, including paint and glue, are non-toxic.
Sand is clean and suitable for children's play.
Physical play is constantly supervised.
Children are taught to handle and store tools safely.
Children learn about health, safety and personal hygiene through the activities we provide and the routines we follow.
Any faulty equipment is removed from use and is repaired. If it cannot be repaired it is discarded.
Large pieces of equipment are discarded only with the consent of the manager and the chairperson or owner
Food and drink
Staff must be aware of their responsibilities under the Food Legislation. At least one member of staff will hold a Food Hygiene Certificate and feed back to all members of staff.
All staff are responsible for food hygiene.
The importance of Food Hygiene matters are discussed in Staff/Volunteer/Student Inductions.
All Parents/Carers must label their child’s lunch box, this is to ensure no confusion and all allergy/dietary requirements adhered to.
Snacks provided will be healthy, balanced and nutritious.
Staff responsible for preparing snack and cooking activities must be competent to do so.
All snacks will be provided with attention to the children’s particular dietary needs. A Dietary Information Sheet is completed when a child begins nursery and is given to all staff members. It can also be located inside the first aid cupboard for easy, but secure access.
Parents must provide written notification (Admission Form) if their child is allergic to anything. All staff must be aware of this, especially during cooking activities.
Drinking water can be located at our “Water Station” as is available throughout the sessions for the children to help themselves. The children are introduced to the importance of hygiene and are shown that they use a cup it is placed into the sink to be cleaned by a member of staff.
Washing of children’s cups and plates will be done with hot, soapy water.
Children should not handle food that others may eat unless they are assisting in the preparation with an adult. The Importance of this will be explained to the children.
When preparing fruit for snack time children will be provided with Child friendly, safety knives.
If food falls on the floor it will be disposed of immediately and not consumed.
Cooking activities will be adequately supervised.
Individual plates and cups must be given to each individual child for their snack time and must be cleaned immediately after use.
Different cloths are used for washing/wiping paint to those used in preparation to snack and lunch times.
Ofsted must be informed if a case of food poisoning arises in the setting concerning two or more children.
The National Business Unit
Piccadilly Gate
Store St
M1 2WD
Tel: - 03001 231231
We regularly seek information from the Environmental Health Department and the Health Authority to ensure that we keep up-to-date with the latest recommendations.
Our daily routines encourage the children to learn about personal hygiene.
We have a daily cleaning routine for the setting which includes play room(s), kitchen, rest area, toilets and nappy changing areas.
We have a schedule for cleaning resources and equipment, dressing-up clothes and furnishings.
The toilet area has a high standard of hygiene including hand washing and drying facilities and the disposal of nappies.
We implement good hygiene practices by:
Cleaning tables between activities;
Cleaning toilets regularly;
Wearing protective clothing - such as aprons and disposable gloves - as appropriate;
Providing sets of clean clothes;
Staff must obtain written permission for each and every medicine from parents/carers before any medication is given.
Written records must be kept of all prescribed medicines administered to children.
Medicines will only be accepted when it is essential and the setting will only accept medication prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist and only if medicine needs to be taken 4 x a day. All medication must have the child’s name on and be in date.
Medication will be kept either in the refrigerator (fridge lock in use) or in the staff locked cupboard up high depending on storage instructions. Only named First Aid trained staff members will have access.
Only First Aid trained staff will administer medication. A record of staff members who administer medicine will be recorded on the individual children’s medical information form.
If a child requires a medication that needs technical/medical knowledge Staff will seek training from a qualified health professional. Training will be specific to individual children’s needs. For example EpiPen training.
Staff will liaise with parents/carers of a child with a long term medical need prior to attending setting. To ensure all information is shared and recorded and an effective support system/care plan is put in place. Staff and parents/carers must continue to liaise throughout the time the child attends the setting to ensure all parties are aware of any changes in the child’s condition, prescribed medicine or support required. The care plan will be altered in accordance with any changes.
Outside the Nursery
Staff will carry out a risk assessment each day and must constantly reappraise the environment and the activities provided throughout the sessions to ensure every individual child’s safety.
Our outdoor area is securely fenced.
Our outdoor area is checked for safety and cleared of rubbish before it is used.
Adults and children are alerted to the dangers of poisonous plants, herbicides and pesticides.
Where water can form a pool on equipment, it is emptied before children start playing outside.
All outdoor activities are supervised at all times.
Children must always be closely supervised when playing outside.
All children will have the opportunity to play outside throughout the year.
The outdoor sandpit must be covered when not in use.
Staff will not go out alone with children on walks/trips. The ratio is 1 adult to 8 children – more adults if possible. Permission will always be obtained from parents/carers. Risk Assessments must be completed prior to trips taken place.
Registration of Staff and Children
As the children enter the Nursery Setting at the beginning of every session they are encouraged along with their parents to locate their names on their coat pegs, Self-Registration takes place at group time to encourage name recognition.
A register is completed by a member of staff at the beginning of each session. This included the time individual children arrive and leave our premises.
If a child has not attended the Nursery and informed by parent/carer, a member of staff will call the parent/carer for an explanation why. Parents/carers are encouraged to call the Nursery on every occasion their child is absent. This will be recorded in the nursery daily information book.
In the case of long term absences without any explanation Social Services will be notified.
Referral and Assessment (Children): 01733 864180
In the event that the Police need to be contacted:
01733 563232
Safeguarding Children Policy
Policy statement
Our setting will work with children, parents and the community to ensure the rights and safety of children and to give them the very best start in life.
The Nursery has a duty to be aware that abuse does occur in our society. This statement lays out the procedures that will be taken if we have reason to believe that a child in our care is subject to either emotional, physical, or sexual abuse or neglect.
Our prime responsibility is the welfare and well being of all the children in our care. As such we believe we have a duty to the children, parents/main carers and staff to act quickly and responsibly in any instance that may come to our attention.
The aim of the Nursery is to promote the children’s right to be strong, independent, resilient and listened to by creating an environment in our setting that encourages children to develop a positive self image, which include their heritage arising from their colour and ethnicity, their languages spoken at home, their religious beliefs, cultural traditions and home background.
The Nursery has a duty to report any suspicions around child protection to the Local Authority. The Children Act 1989 (Section 47 (1)) places a duty on the Local Authority to investigate such matters. The Nursery will follow the procedures set out in the Local safeguarding children board procedures and as such will seek their advice on all steps taken subsequently.
Staffing and volunteering
The designated person is s/he will be responsible for the role of Child Protection Representative’s and s/he must attend the relevant child protection courses and to liaise with local statutory children’s agencies as appropriate.
The designated representative at Park Lane Nursery is Christine Kurys. In her absence Kerry Cole and Hannah Harvey will take on this role.
All staff must have up to date understanding of safeguarding children/child protection issues and respond appropriately to:
• Significant changes in children’s behaviour.
• Deterioration in their general well being.
• Unexplained bruising, marks or signs of possible abuse.
• Neglect.
• The comments children make which give cause for concern.
We provide adequate and appropriate staffing resources to meet the needs of the children. Applicants for posts within the setting are clearly informed that the positions are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.
Candidates are informed of the need to carry out 'enhanced disclosure' checks with the Criminal Records Bureau before posts can be confirmed.
Where applications are rejected because of information that has been disclosed, applicants have the right to know and to challenge incorrect information.
We abide by the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Act requirements in respect of any person who is dismissed from our employment, or resigns in circumstances that would otherwise have lead to dismissal for reasons of child protection concern.
All Nursery Staff members must have Police Checks / Enhanced Disclosure Checks in place.
We abide by Ofsted requirements in respect of references and Criminal Record Bureau checks for Staff and Volunteers, to ensure that no disqualified person or unsuitable person works at the setting or has access to the children.
Volunteers do not work unsupervised.
We have procedures for recording the details of visitors to the setting.
We take security steps to ensure that we have control over who comes into the setting so that no unauthorised person has unsupervised access to the children.
Social Services Referral and Assessment Agency and Ofsted must be notified immediately of any allegations of serious harm or abuse by any person working or looking after children at the premises or else where.
We acknowledge that abuse of children take different forms – physical, emotional and sexual as well as neglect.
All staff in the Nursery, whether they be full time, part time, a trainee, or volunteer have the responsibility to take steps should they see hear or notice anything of concern.
Changes in behaviour, their play or appearance will be investigated.
Any staff members who notice anything or hear anything that is cause for concern should report concerns to Mrs Christine Kurys, Nursery Manager/Safeguarding Representative immediately.
Any incidents should be logged by the first person with the Manager present. They will record the time and date, the location of the alleged abuse, name of the complainant, and the name of the child who has alleged been abused, log the nature of the abuse, and any descriptions. These records are confidential and shared with parents as appropriate.
Staff must take care not to influence the outcome either through the way they speak to the child or by asking questions of the child. Staff must never question the child in such a way that ideas are suggested.
Let the child tell you, do not prompt them. Stay calm.
In the event of a concern, our procedure is to contact the local authority, Social Services Referral and Assessment Agency on Child Protection issues.
Ofsted must be notified immediately of any “cause for concern,” but at the latest within 14 days of the allegation being made. Informing
Parents are normally the first point of contact.
If a suspicion of abuse is recorded, parents are informed at the same time as the report is made, except where the guidance of the Local Safeguarding Children Board does not allow this.
This will usually be the case where the parent is the likely abuser. In these cases the investigating officers will inform parents.
Liaison with other agencies
We work within the Local Safeguarding Children Board guidelines.
We have a copy of 'What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused' for parents and staff and all staff are familiar with what to do if they have concerns.
We have a copy from Department for Education “Keeping children safe in education 2021” statutory guidance for schools and colleges.
We have a copy of “Working together to safeguard children”
We have procedures for contacting the local authority on child protection issues, including maintaining a list of names, addresses and telephone numbers of social workers, to ensure that it is easy, in any emergency, for the setting and social services to work well together.
We notify the registration authority (Ofsted) of any incident or accident and any changes in our arrangements which may affect the wellbeing of children.
Contact details for the local National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) are also kept.
If a referral is to be made to the local authority social care department, we act within the area’s Safeguarding Children and Child Protection guidance in deciding whether we must inform the child's parents at the same time.
Support to families
We believe in building trusting and supportive relationships with families, staff and volunteers in the group.
We make clear to parents our role and responsibilities in relation to child protection, such as for the reporting of concerns, providing information, monitoring of the child, and liaising at all times with the local children’s social care team.
We will continue to welcome the child and the family whilst investigations are being made in relation to any alleged abuse.
We follow the Child Protection Plan as set by the child’s social care worker in relation to the setting's designated role and tasks in supporting that child and their family after any investigation.
Confidential records kept on a child are shared with the child's parents or those who have parental responsibility for the child in accordance with the Confidentiality and Client Access to Records procedure and only if appropriate under the guidance of the Local Safeguarding Children Board.
We seek out our training opportunities for all adults involved in the setting to ensure that they are able to recognise the signs and signals of possible physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect and that they are aware of the local authority guidelines for making referrals.
We ensure that all staff know the procedures for reporting and recording their concerns in the setting.
The layout of the rooms allows for constant supervision. No child is left alone with staff or volunteers in a one-to-one situation without being visible to others.
We introduce key elements of keeping children safe into our programme to promote the personal, social and emotional development of all children, so that they may grow to be strong, resilient and listened to and that they develop an understanding of why and how to keep safe.
We create within the setting a culture of value and respect for the individual, having positive regard for children's heritage arising from their colour, ethnicity, languages spoken at home, cultural and social backgrounds.
We ensure that this is carried out in a way that is developmentally appropriate for the children.
All suspicions and investigations are kept confidential and shared only with those who need to know. Any information is shared under the guidance of the Local Safeguarding Children Board.
Digital Cameras
Children should use child friendly digital camera and any photographs will be printed and deleted
Staff must only use the setting’s own digital camera to take any photographs and the camera must be left in nursery.
Staff may not use any other digital device to take photographs in the setting.
Photo’s that are need for the Learning Journal will be signed out by member of staff if they require to take them off the premises and returned the following day.
Mobile phones/digital watches
Staff/parents/carers/students and volunteers may not carry or use their personal mobile phones whilst working in the setting.
Setting telephone number should be used as an emergency contact for staff.
Staff/parents/carers/students and volunteers are allowed to use their mobile phones during breaks but not in front of children and outside the Nursery.
All mobile phones must switch off or on silent and stored in a phone storage box and must only be used during staff breaks.
Staff may not use any camera facility on their mobile during a session.
All visitors/parent/carer helps or volunteers must switch off their phones and with their belonging put them into the lockable staff cupboard. Only a senior member of staff may have access to the cupboard and return belongings to their owners.
Digital watches must be silent.
Prevent duty
All staff have a duty to prevent children from being drawn into terrorism.
Under the statutory framework for early years’ staff supports the learning and development and care for children attending this setting and thereby assist in their person, social and emotional development and understanding of the world.
If staff have a cause of concern, it is to be discussed with the nursery’s designated safeguarding officer and if deem necessary, they will contact children’s social care.
In a prevention priority area, the local authority provides a prevention lead who can also provide support.
Staff may also call the local police force or dial 101 (non-emergency number) to ask for advice.
Allegations against staff
We ensure that parents/carers know how to complain about staff or volunteer action within the nursery. (Information shared through “Parent Introduction.”)
We follow the Local Safeguarding Children Board when responding to any complaint that a member of staff or volunteer has abused a child.
We respond to any disclosure by children or staff that abuse by a member of staff may have taken place, by first recording the details of any such alleged incident.
We refer any such allegation with 1 day to the local authority’s designated office Tel: 01733 864038, Email
Ofsted is informed of all allegations
We co-operate entirely with any investigation carried out by social services in conjunction with the police. All suspicions and investigations are kept confidential and shared only with those who need to know.
The layout of our setting allows for constant supervision. No child is left alone with staff or volunteers in a one to one situation.
Our Policy is to suspend the member of staff on full pay for the duration of the investigation; this is not an indication of admission that the alleged incident has taken place, but is to protect the staff as well as children and families throughout the process.
Disciplinary Action
Where a member of staff or a volunteer is dismissed from our setting because of misconduct relating to a child, we notify the Department of Health administers so that the name may be included on the List for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults.
Our Setting is committed to building a “culture of safety” in which the children are protected from abuse and harm.
Primary legislation
Children Act (1989 s47)
Protection of Children Act (1999)
Data Protection Act (2018)
The Children Act (Every Child Matters) (2006)
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006)
Secondary legislation
Sexual Offences Act (2017)
Criminal Justice and Court Services Act (2014)
Human Rights Act (2010)
Race Relations (Amendment) Act (2000)
Race Relations (Amendment) Act (1976) Regulations
Equalities Act (2010)
Data Protection Act (2018) Non Statutory Guidance
Further Guidance
Working Together to Safeguard Children (revised HMG 2018)
What to do if you’re Worried a Child is Being Abused (HMG 2017)
Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families (DoH 2000)
Early Help Assessment (2006)
Statutory guidance on making arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children under section 11 of the Children Act 2004 (HMG 2007)
Information Sharing: Practitioners’ Guide (HMG July 2018)
Keeping children safe in education 2021 (DFE 2021)
Contact details for safeguarding:
The National Business Unit
Piccadilly Gate
Store St
M2 7LA
Tel: 03001 231231 / 03001 234666 – for parents to raise concerns
Peterborough Referral and Assessment Team (Children)
Ground Floor, Sand Martin House
Bittern Way, Fletton Quays
Tel: 01733 864180
Police: 01733 563232
Early Help Team : 01733 863649
Child and Domestic Abuse Investigation Unit: 01480 428080 /
08454 564564 (Non Emergency Number)
Cambridgeshire Constabulary Headquarters
Hinchingbrook Park
PE29 6NP
LADO Vivienne Reed/Lynn Chesterton : 01733 747474
NSPCC: 01733 207620
Hear 2 Help
The Corn Exchange
22 Church Street
Parent Line: 08088 002222
Child Line: 0800 1111
Children’s Disability Team: 01733 864397
Herlinton House
Benyon Grove
Orton Malbourne
Peterborough Safeguarding Children Board (Training) : 01733 863747
Children’s Services
Ground Floor, Sand Martin House
Bittern Way, Fletton Quays
Peterborough Early Years & Childcare Team (Training) : 01733 863953
Ground Floor, Sand Martin House
Bittern Way, Fletton Quays
MASH – Email – MASH.C&
Fully qualified nursery staff committed to your child’s wellbeing
To discuss your child's needs contact our nursery manager - Mrs Christine Kurys
Park Lane, Eastfield, Peterborough
Get in touch
Interested in learning more about PARK LANE NURSERY? Please feel free to get in touch, and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Park Lane, Eastfield, Peterborough
01733 569708 / 01733 889993